Unheard Voices

I've always had a story brewing within, but never found the means to write it down until this semester. I'm currently in a creative writing class at my university and we needed to turn in an excerpt of writing for a class critique. Here is a small portion I turned in for my class, and so daringly… Continue reading Unheard Voices

Content with Lonliness

I don't believe love was made for me. I know I'm young and I still have plenty of time to explore and meet new people, but looking around and see how people in love act... they speak a different language than I do. I don't believe love was made for people like me. People like me endure the… Continue reading Content with Lonliness

I Don’t Know About You, But I Hated 22

22 was an awful age. Almost the entire year of 2017 was completely unforgiving, and there are many factors that play a role in why it was undoubtedly the worst year I've experienced, so far. Growing up, I always hoped to have my life together and squared away by 21 or 22, so when 22… Continue reading I Don’t Know About You, But I Hated 22

Long Distance Friendship

To my best friend, I only see you on a screen, anymore. Our friendship survives off of timed FaceTime calls, and text messages. I see you tagging new people in Facebook posts, and I instantly creep on them, because I have no idea who these people are. The one person that I know everything about,… Continue reading Long Distance Friendship

The Bad Customer Experience

If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is. - Jan Carlzon Customer service. Within my short 23 years of life, I have come to realize that customer service is a skill that is almost impossible to be taught. Some people have it naturally, others just don't. The ones that… Continue reading The Bad Customer Experience

No Home for the Holidays

It's that time of year again. Christmas lights are being strung, presents are being bought, and plane tickets are being booked to spend the holidays with the most important people, your family. It's supposedly the most wonderful time of the year. So why do I feel like crying everytime I hear my friends talk about… Continue reading No Home for the Holidays


“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen   I am an over-achiever. I can easily say that, and I don't think anyone would object to this statement. When I'm given a task, I will… Continue reading Awakening